Kizito Ronald Kisakye, alias "Kisakye Arts," emerges as a profound and relevant creative with an insightful, captivating sense of art portrayed in his different intriguing artworks based in his fatherland, Kampala, Uganda. The burgeoning artist objects his talent in relation to his first name, "Ronald," meaning "Love for nature," objecting crude ruminative ideas across multiple disciplines such as painting, drawing, and photography. Through this meditative creation, Kisakye has carved a cathartic state captivating audiences accrue to his artistry. The "Ronald" factor affirms a blood flow of art in him, that is, art is a skill born this leads to the painterly taste of his brushstrokes. Due to that amazing trait, he creates subtle works and realism borrowing inspirations from nature and prominent artists such as Alain Pontecorvo, James McNeill Whistler, Picasso, and others.
Capture cherished moments in stunning, hand-drawn portraits. Custom-made to reflect your loved ones' unique personalities.
Hand-painted portraits that capture your unique essence, Creating timeless, personalized masterpieces just for you.
Offering detailed sketching services that bring your ideas to life. Custom sketches tailored to your vision and style.
I create dynamic human figure drawings that emphasize form and movement. Let’s turn your ideas into expressive, lifelike figure art.
"The African Dream" (The One Blood) is a vibrant painting that celebrates African unity and shared heritage. It symbolizes the deep connection and common bond among all African people, highlighting the strength and diversity of the continent. A powerful tribute to identity and resilience.
African woman under the theme Africa's essence; a painting mirroring life with intricate detail with speculative ideal objecting an African lady with a flat twist bun covered by a head wrap with a puff uncovered, projecting an African map with a golden hour set creating a silhouette with a face down projecting unity plus the beauty of Africa hence the theme Africa's Essence.
Theme: Africa's Essence - Acrylic painting on canvas, portraiture. Size: 79cm x 2cm x 95cm Artist: Kizito Ronald Kisakye
Africa's essence, a painting with an insightful spectrum of ideas that portray Africa's character, culture, and value through an apple; projected by multiple colors creating an aesthetic appeal. It's a story that depicts the allure and beauty of Africa. The water splashing, majorly created with white symbolizing hope and new beginnings, yellow: happiness and enthusiasm, red: love, strength, and confidence, orange: determination and vitality, black in the background symbolizing authority and formal plus brown projecting wisdom hence the "Beauty of Africa" is gained thus the theme "Africa's Essence."
Africa's essence - Original acrylic painting, Realism, Painting on canvas. Size: 60cm x 2cm x 78.5cm Artist: Kizito Ronald Kisakye Uganda
"The Reminiscence" evokes nostalgia with its subtle details and soft colors, blending past and present into a poignant visual narrative.
Kizito Ronald Kisakye, alias 'Kisakye Arts' emerges as a profound relevant creative with an insightful capturing sense of art portrayed in his different intriguing art works based in his fatherland Kampala, Uganda. The burgeoning artist objects his talent in relation to his first name ' Ronald' ; meaning ' Love for nature' objecting crude ruminative ideas across multiple disciplines such as painting, drawing and photography. Through this meditative creation, Kisakye has carved a cathartic state captivating audiences accrue to his artistry. The 'Ronald' factor affirms a blood flow of art in him, that is; art is a skill born this leads to painterly taste of his brush strokes. Due to that amazing trait, he creates subtle works and realism borrowing inspirations from nature and prominent artists such as Alain Pontecorvo, James McNeill Whistler, Picasso and others. African woman under the theme "Africa's essence"; a painting mirroring life with intricate detail with speculative ideal objecting an African lady with a flat twist bun covered by a head wrap with a puff uncovered ,projecting an African map with a golden hour set creating a silhouette with a face down projecting unity plus the beauty of Africa hence the theme Africa's Essence
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